In 9 days, I will be headed to Panama City Florida with my track team. My goal when down there is to be able to do all the workouts, and on Saturday make my track debut. I thought I was doing awesome at making this goal.
Last week I ran:
Monday: some(3) 600's with a 2:27 average
Tuesday: 20 minutes running
Wednesday: 60 minutes elliptical
Thursday: 5 (3:30 min hard, 1:00 min easy)
Friday: 3 miles running
Saturday: 36 minutes running
I was really happy with this training, and I felt really good. Yesterday my plan was to do a 15 min warm-up, 4( 400 hard, 200 jog) 30 min cool down. I did my warm-up, and started the 400's but I did not make it to the 200. I am not sure what went wrong, or even if it was anything I did. It has been so difficult to determine what amount of pain is normal and should be there, and what pain means something is going wrong.
If anyone has any suggestions to help me with knowing about my pain levels, please met me know!
Your doing so great! keep going! Pain in the leg will come and go as it gets stronger. You kind of just have to go by how it feels and let pain be your guide. If its like a 6 or 7 or above i would say stop but below that just monitor it. If its getting worse stop but staying the same level or lowering, then keep trucking along! haha!hope that helps some... Florida will be sooo much fun! i hope you guys have good weather down there!